Bionet Immune Mask

The Biointernet Mask for restoring the integrity of the life structure

  • Increases resistance to seasonal colds
  • Improves the connection between body systems
  • Increases the density of the energy shell
  • Adjusts to the structure of the future time
  • Helps to strengthen immunity
  • Increases the effectiveness of treatment
Bionet Immune Mask

The Biointernet Immune Mask

Time is a structure that creates orders and determines the sequence of phenomena and processes in the Reality (from the point of view of the Theory of Physical Structures).

Violation of this structure leads to the fact that the balance of processes is disturbed. At the level of the body, defense systems begin to work with distortions and cease to perform their natural functions.

For example, the immune system has difficulty recognizing pathogenic microbes and viruses and is unable to restrain their reproduction in the body.

Integrity restoration

The Bionet Immune Mask helps to restore the integrity of the body’s time structure.

There is a natural strengthening of the body’s defense systems, the work of organs is getting better, inflammation decreases, the reproduction of pathogenic viruses and bacteria is suppressed.

The Biointernet Immune Mask

Spiritual component

The The Bionet Immune Mask also has a spiritual orientation. A healer allows a person to see their emotional trauma, to cleanse themselves of them, to feel spiritual protection. Restores confidence, peace, trust, self-love and spiritual awareness.

Balance and consistency

The Bionet Immune Mask makes us more balanced, and in this state we can more fully accept and love ourselves. In every healing, a systematic approach is important.

Boost Immunity

The The Bionet Immune Mask helps to mobilize the internal forces of the body to fight various viral infections. Helps prevent unnecessary loss of energy. Strengthens the immune defense and accelerates the immune response when viruses enter the body. An accelerated cure is also possible by increasing the body’s energy.

Studies have shown that the indicators of the immune system are improved by 2-10 times when using the Translighters Healing.

How to Use Bionet Immune Mask?

It is Face Mask. Use it.

The Bionet Immune Mask helps to adjust the time structure of a person to the future structure of the surrounding world. This makes it possible not to return to the state of illness, even if not all external environmental factors have been eliminated. External changes will begin to manifest themselves in the internal state. This can manifest itself in a desire to organize the surrounding space – to clean a room or to clean up one’s environment.

The use of the The Bionet Immune Mask does not replace the main treatment, but complements and enhances it. It also consolidates the results. When using healing complexes or a course of drug treatment, do not cancel it if you or your patient feel better after using the Healing structure.

Follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations

NB! It is not cure coronavirus disease (COVID-19) product

NB2! Bionet Masks aren’t medical-grade devices